Mike Cave
Mike's Latest Interactions
Mike, I'm very sorry to hear about Judi. I pray God's peace & comfort for you & your family now & always. Blessings, my friend & former neighbor.
Mike Cave
Posted on: Oct 20, 2017 at 2:15 PM
Happy birthday, Rick! Enjoyed seeing & visiting with you at the Teinion. Blessings my friend!
As have others stated, Ronnie was a great friend. I looked forward to his birthday calls. While I knew he called as many of our classmates as he could, I liked to think I was the only recipient. When he found I'd entered the ordained ministry (retired at the end of this past June as a UM clergy), I'd receive a call from Ronnie out of the blue. He'd always say "I want to pick your brain" about something in the Bible that troubled him, concerned him, or about which he was just plain curious. Those calls didn't come often, but for me it was always a time to reconnect, & to reminisce. Whether it was cruising I-35 in "reverse," "attending" the PASF state convention, or about "limelight, we always laughed. Ronnie my friend, you will be missed. May God enfold Beverly, the family, & all who knew him in comfort & love, now & always.
Reagan, I'm having a difficult time getting a message to you & Paula via Facebook. So, I'll use this. Email address: jmcave7@gmail.com. Cell phone number: 210-413-0872. It was great to see you again & meet Paula. Great time, although Ronnie's death tempers that. Look forward to seeing you again. Almost forgot our address: 2114 West Bluff Dr., Kerrville, TX 78028. Blessings, Mike
Posted on: Jan 02, 2017 at 3:33 AM