Randy Smith

Profile Updated: June 5, 2017
Randy Smith
Residing In: Horseshoe Bay, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Spouse: Emily
Occupation/former occupation: Retired '97 Austin Police - Organized Crime Div.
Children and Grandchildren:
2 grown: 1 married 3 kids, 1 divorced 1 kid
1 at UT
Military Service: Tex. Natl. Guard  
Yes! Attending Reunion
If you just updated your profile, what did you update? A picture, address or email info, etc?

Oh, just a few little sentences. Don't know why my "residing" says Leander. Moved from there about '98. Lived in Kingsland on LBJ until about 2005, moved to Horseshoe Bay. Still there.

Family ties (list any relatives from other classes here)


School Story or Favorite Memory:

Loved parties, foot ball games, dating, and prowling around in my 57 Chevy.

What classmates have you kept in touch with over the years?

Oh, off and on: Dale Stobaugh, Dean Leeper, Mike Hollenbeck. Really enjoy the HS Reunions and get-togethers when I can make it.

What is your favorite quote or bible scripture?

Jesus said, "I am with you always"

If you knew then what you know now, what would it be? Words of wisdom?

Oh....I thought I knew "everything" then, but the problem is I still think I do....but I seem to get dumber the older I get.

What is the farthest you have traveled?


Did you ever skip school and if so, what did you do?

3 guys and me (won't mention any names) skipped school (it snowed and they let school out early later in the day anyhow) and we stole some beer and got pulled over for loud pipes...what a relief!

What's your favorite kind of food or restaurant?

Steak, taters, brown beans, and a cold one

If you don't live in Austin, how often do you get back to visit?

I hate the NEW Austin. Try not to go there very often.

What is your favorite movie(s)?

All of Clint Eastwood's

Have you ever lived in a foreign country?


What is a funny story about your kids/grandkids?

Watching them play with other kids and after you tell them not to do something (like eating candy), they keep looking in your direction to see how close you are watching....

Describe your first car

'57 Chevy......It is 2015 and I have had about 8 since and still have one now.

As you look back on your life, what advice would you give to your kids or grand kids?

Better not say it here....

Do you have any hobbies or what do you do for fun?

Old cars: classics and hot rods

If you were in the military, please share the most memorable event for you.

Boot camp. Camping in the snow

Have you been able to attend all the reunions?

About 4 ?

What teacher stands out most in your memory and why?

Oh, goodness. Several were just great. Can't remember all their names

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Randy Smith has left an In Memory comment for his Profile.
May 30, 2023 at 8:59 PM

Judy was a person of fun and laffter, always happy.  She and Nancy Norwood would pick me up and take me to school  (They got to drive before I did)  I remember  when she and Mike dated . I'll  B thinkin bout cha Mike.....Randy

Randy Smith posted a message. New comment added.
Oct 18, 2017 at 1:50 PM

Posted on: Oct 17, 2017 at 12:39 AM

Hey Mike, saw where you signed up for the reunion, then got scratched out. What's up? You all moved to Beaumont? You like storms?

Randy Smith updated his profile. View.
Jun 05, 2017 at 12:34 PM